Tuesday, December 16, 2008

If I didn't have so many thoughts boggling my brain I might be able to come up with a title.

A week from tomorrow will be Christmas Eve. Let me repeat that.


Is anyone else feeling as unprepared as me?

I have lists and ideas and plans running around in my mind. Things to do, places to go, things to buy, wrap and mail. How did I let Christmas sneak up on me?

Last night at dinner I started making a list of gifts for everyone on our list. I was able to check many people off the list which is a good feeling. Now to finish the list.

The worst part is that today is a snow day. A day that schools are out. They don't have to go. And for whatever reason, I feel entitled to snow days too. But I don't get them. I just think I should. There is something about a snowy, icy day that screams NO WORK! But I'm here. Thinking about my lists. And all of the things I could be doing if I weren't here. Like laundry or dishes. Or finally putting away the empty rubbermaid tub that I keep ornaments in that's been sitting in my living room since the Sunday after Thanksgiving.

Truth be told, if I were home right now I probably wouldn't be doing anything on my list. I'd be sitting there watching tv or playing with Ethan or seaching the internet for the lowest prices on the gifts I need to buy. Maybe it's better that I'm here. Maybe I'll go home motivated to make up for time lost at work. Maybe.

1 comment:

Lacey said...

I decided that all my shopping will be done online or at Walmart in the middle of the night. And, if it makes you feel better, we don't even have a tree yet. :(