Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I'm not sure I can wait another 4 weeks.

I went to the doctor yesterday for my regular pre-natal visit. Since I am 15 weeks I was hoping to catch a glimpse whether we are having a boy or girl. I have been praying a long time for a girl- long before I got pregnant. But lately my prayers have changed. Lord, if it's not a girl, please give me joy for a boy. I do not want to feel disappointed.

My doctor began the ultrasound (which she does at every visit) and asked if we wanted to know the sex...if she could tell. YES! I didn't hestitate.

Sadly, I left very disappointed. Not because we are having a boy. Or a girl. We don't know yet. What I do know is that I am carrying a child as stubborn as it's father who would not cooperate. Oh I kid. But seriously, that baby would not budge. All we could get was a side view. It's legs were curled up tight underneath it's bottom. My doctor tried to look from different angles, even tried poking me with the doppler to make the baby move. And it did. Stretched one leg and lifted it's head then curled right back up.

My next appointment is in January. Hopefully we'll get to find out then. The suspense is killing me.


drbaucom said...

That ornery baby! It wants to be a surprise.

zum the mum said...

Hmmmmmm, sounds like a typical, ornery, silly, baby #2 already!

Can't wait to hear!

Mommy Pose said...

Sorry you didn't find out. I know that is frustrating! But, all those signs sound like a girl. Coley was flashing all his business each and every ultrasound.