Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hi friends.

I'm taking a break for a while...meaning even more than usual.

I have a lot going on these days. My days are busy with 2 jobs, family and a new puppy. (I will post about that though...eventually). There are not enough hours in the day to accomplish what I need to and still do what I want to. My nights are restless and short and I don't think they'll be getting any better in the near future. I suppose that's just a perk of pregnancy.

You could pray for me about a few things...I'd appreciate it. And I'm writing it in a blog because I know those of you that actually read this are either close friends or family and it saves me from calling or emailing you. Which takes time. That I don't have.

1. I cannot do two jobs anymore...or at least after Emma comes. I need God's wisdom in this decision because my head and heart and husband all say different things.

2. My sanity over the next few weeks

3. The new puppy potty-trains faster than Ethan did. And I say did because we are pretty much darn well there. Done. Finished. We got a puppy as a reward. One which Emma will not receive. We like her. A lot. I'm actually kind of missing her while I'm at work...writing this instead of working on a long list of things.

4. That I will let go of some control issues and delegate things.

Thanks dear friends.


Cheri said...

I'm on it. Hang in there!

zum the mum said...

I soooo know how you're feeling. I will be praying. Call if you ever need to talk it out.

Hang in there. God will show you what He has for you...just trust Him.

Lacey said...

I love you.

drbaucom said...

Hi friend! Hang in there. I'll be praying for you.

Beth said...

I'll be praying for you. Remember to leave it all to God.