A wave of panic hit me last night. I have 7 1/2 weeks left before Emma makes her appearance. That's if she waits until her due date. I am completely unprepared. I was not like this with Ethan. I was prepared and ready for him- early. This poor child doesn't even have a room to call her own yet. Or a single package of newborn diapers. (Which I am fully capable of picking up at the store!)
7 1/2 weeks.
My goal is to take this week and actually prepare for this baby. Wish me luck.
Here's my to do list...hopefully it will inspire me to get my rear in gear.
1. Finish clearing Emma's room
-move computer desk to garage (not me- preferably a strong man)
-find a new place for the printer and other misc. computer items?
-put all the books in a book case somewhere else
-throw things away
2. Buy paint and painter's tape
3. Tape room and paint
4. Put crib together
5. Wash some clothes and crib bedding
6. Empty changing table of all Ethan's belongings
7. Move changing table into Emma's room (not me- preferably a strong man...or two. That thing is heavy!)
8. Find dresser and bookcase for Ethan's room
9. Have a garage sale to make more room!
10. Pack a bag for me and Emma, then wait.
Whew! Well, if it makes you feel any better, Coley's room is still not 100% done. I have his name in big letters, but they have never been hung on his wall. And he does not have a single picture frame hanging on his wall. It is my summer project on Mondays and Fridays. Yea for her coming so soon, though!!!!!!
You know what??? Welcome to the second child club! None of us want it to be like this, but if you're being a mommy to child #1 while waiting on child #2, there is just no way to be as ready as you were the first time!
So...all of that to say...you are sooooo not alone here! Don't feel bad. It will get done (the necessary stuff), even if it's the night before she arrives! Hang in there!
Can't wait to meet that sweet girl!
i am a firm believer you should make brian do all that!! :D remember to breathe and that emma doesn't have to go into her room right off!! you still have some time!!
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