Thursday, April 16, 2009

It's a Great Day!

Today I am in a surprisingly good mood. Not that I'm generally unhappy, but exhaustion and stress tend to take over sometimes making me just feel blah.

Not today.

And it's nice.

Things that have helped with my mood:

1. The weather is great. The sun FINALLY made an appearance yesterday and today. I have missed the sun.
2. Today is Linda's (boss) birthday so she is in a good mood. And, because I was feeling nice, I stopped by Merrit's and picked out a few goodies for her (to share of course).
3. I received an unexpected baby gift from Don and Linda today. She'll be out of town during my shower so she brought it in today. It was a crib sheet, a changing table cover, 4 receiving blankets and a dark pink storage bin. I had just told Brian's step mom last night I didn't have any sheets or changing pad covers yet. YEAH!
4. Amy is coming over after work to help me finish the dadgum stripe in Emma's room. It really takes two to tape!
5. It's opening (FREE ADMISSION) night at Driller's Stadium and Brian's off work. We'll be taking Ethan to his first Driller's game.
6. Tomorrow is Friday!
7. It's pay day
8. I found a gift card I'd forgotten about this morning. It's worth $200. Yeah- how could I forget that?
9. Tomorrow will mark 6 weeks to go but tomorrow is almost today so I'm considering it today.
10. I don't have a #10 but didn't want to end with a #9.

Have a great day ya'll! I am.


drbaucom said...

All very good things!!

If I had it to do over, I'd buy the paperbacks on Amazon. After I'd started the series, I didn't have the patience to wait for delivery, though. :)

zum the mum said...

That's so sweet that you and BAF will be finishing Emma's room together. HaHaHaHa!!!! I'm actually laughing outloud!

Yea for good days!

KP and I need to reschedule our lunch date with you...and we have a gift for Sweet Baby Girl!

Mommy Pose said...

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! BAF helping with Emma's room! HAHAHAHAHA! Thanks for making me laugh outloud too! :)