Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thursday Thoughts

A few thoughts to share...

1. This morning I had the carpet in the living room, hall and Emma's room cleaned. They were in desperate need of a good cleaning. I figured there was no better time than now since her room is empty.

2. I found a dresser for Ethan's room! Now I just need to actually get it.

3. I've spent quite a bit of time recently on They have different groups for moms to ask questions, talk, etc. I'm part of the May 2009 Babies group. I spend most of my time rolling my eyes at the stupid things women say and rarely comment. I'm also shocked at the number of babies due in May that have already been born.

One lady (with a profile picture of her pregnant belly) posted today about how she thought putting up white letters spelling your child's name was stupid and over done. Someone was very quick to comment about maternity profile pictures being stupid and over done. It was like a cat fight waiting to happen. I decided not to comment.

But, in my opinion, I love the letters- any shape, size, color. I think they are great. I especially love that Ethan recognizes his name and is learning.

4. I am so thankful for the sunshine. I could use a few less degrees of heat though. I'm just sayin'.

5. Grey's is finally back tonight!!

6. Anyone ever sold anything on EBay or Craig's List? If so, please tell me about it.

1 comment:

Joel & Joanna said...

Yay for clean carpets! We did the same thing before our girls were born (Joel rented the steam cleaner though) and it really made a difference. So many things you'd like to get done before a baby(ies) arrive! Plus, I can't believe women would be so catty to another woman (and a stranger) about something so minor as having your child's name up in their room. I'm with you, I like it! Someone painted a canvas for each of the girls that matches their bedding, and they have their names on them. And yes, lovin' the sunshine and any excuse to leave work for a few minutes to eat lunch or run an errand!!! Enjoy your weekend!