Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Iced In!

I'm home from work today due to the icy roads. And the fact that Brian has the car at work. So many people called in that he was offered some overtime. With a new baby coming, overtime is always nice.

Plus, he didn't want me to go to work anyway. My dad agreed. He said there was no NEED for me to be out, especially being pregnant, and I'm inclined to agree.

So I am at home. Literally stranded without a car (not that I'd go anywhere anyway...that was the point of me staying home) and I'm enjoying it.

It's 10:00 and I have...
made breakfast for Ethan and myself
unloaded the dishwasher
reloaded it
started a load of laundry
put it into the dryer
given Ethan a bath
given Kate (our new puppy) a bath
checked work email to see if anything is pressing...there's not.
popped in to say hi to all of you
(Are you at home today?)

Anyway, I am truly enjoying the morning. I wish all my mornings were like this. Productive and at home.

Maybe my husband will see how productive I've been and tell me to quit my job and stay home all day.


Hope you are warm and safe inside. I'm going to finish the laundry and actually PUT IT AWAY! Something I very rarely do!


Lacey said...

I am home and I have scrubbed just about every inch of my bathroom so far! Even the grout on the floor!! I think you deserve to stay home all day when Emma comes!! :)

Cheri said...

Oh, being home is so nice! You're making me look bad, though. I don't always get that much done and I'm home every day. I'm really bad about puttin the laundry away, but it's something I've been working on. You definitely should get to stay home once Emma's here. Just tell him your children need you!

Beth said...

I always hope Scott will feel the same way when he gets home from work and I've been home all day. I agree, us pregnant girls have no place out and about in the icy conditions!

lacyj said...

i wish i were productive and i stay at home. seems as though my list is never completed. oh, i hardly put my laundry away either.