It was a long day and Ethan was with us. At my doctor's office she performed a routine ultrasound. Emma was being modest again so she couldn't confirm girl. After she finished she turned on the lights. She said, "Do you have any questions?"
Ethan piped up, "Are you gonna take a picture of my baby?" He lifted his shirt to reveal his tummy. Playing along she asked him if he was having a baby. "YES!" he said, "It's a Boy!"
We got a big kick out of it. Dr. Summers suggested calling Oprah to Ethan but I think we'll wait on that.
I think the 20 week ultrasound went well. My doctor said they wouldn't say much to me, good or bad, and she was right. I was able to see for myself some things. Although I'm not an expert I could tell that the baby had 10 fingers and 10 toes, 2 eyes, a nose and cute little lips. I could also see the 4 chambers of the heart. Most of the other things I didn't recognize and the tech went really fast through the list of things she was looking for. She did confirm that we are having a girl. I didn't doubt that it was a girl but a 2nd confirmation from a different doctor is always nice.
And for anyone concerned about Ethan having a boy, he does continue to be excited about a sister. I don't think it will matter when she really arrives...until the new wears off and she's old enough to pester him.
Oh my goodness! I read this at first and thought you were having a boy, not Ethan. :)
That ultrasound is always so reassuring, to know everything is there, and that baby is healthy. Yay! And yay for second trimester! Enjoy sweet friend!
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