Thursday, January 1, 2009

Welcome to 2009!

Just a quick note to say, "Happy New Year! Welcome 2009!"

And also- Ethan has been in big boy underwear since he woke up. He's hasn't had one accident (yet...I'm not completely naive). AND...the last two times he's gone potty he has gone all by himself. Ran to the bathroom, turned on the light, pulled down his pants, jumped on the potty and then yelled, "I HAVE TO GO POTTY!"

I needed this today. Potty training is wearing me out. I told him the other day I thought his sister would be potty trained before he is. Today gives me hope that he WILL be the first one :)


lacyj said...

yay for ethan!!!

Missy Rose said...

yay!! last night i took aidan to potty, and he grunted and i asked if he was pooping and he was like "uuuhhhggg, yeah." this was very exciting because until now he's been terrified of pooping on the potty. granted, he finished his poop in his pull-up five minutes later, but it's a step in the right direction right? yay for motherhood and all the patience it requires and creates in us!