Me- "I'm sorry, Buddy. Do you need to go potty?"
Ethan- "No, my sister keeps kickin' me. Ouch."
Ethan- "Stop that Sissy. Okay, that's better."
Walking into school while it's sprinkling he says, " God, please make the rain stop."
He pauses and looks at me to whine,"Mom, God is not listening!"
I tried to explain that God always listens but sometimes He doesn't answer right away. He bought it for the time being.
Ethan wore brown pants and a striped sweater to church a few weeks ago. He was sitting in the back seat and said, "Is this my Charlie Bucket sweater? Am I Charlie Bucket?"
It took us a minute to realize he was referring to Charlie Bucket from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.
We're getting a beach house on South Padre Island with Bryan's family. Should be great as long as everyone gets along. Sure you can come! We'll have to research the area hospitals in case Emma arrives while we're there...
hilarious! love the charlie bucket comment...too funny! haha! :)
how are you holding up? you are getting so close! hang in there, can't wait to hear when the big day is! we will be praying for you! can't wait to see pictures of lil emma :)
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