Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Everything You Don't Want To Know and More

I don't have much to say these days that doesn't relate to having this baby. And while I know all of you love me, I also know you can only read about my desire for her to arrive NOW so many times. SO....

That leaves rambling. Ready? Set. Go.

The LOST season finale is tonight. I think I'm more excited about that than the Grey's finale. Is that possible?

I had breakfast with the "old" Highstepper officers this morning. It was so good to see them, catch up and hear all the gossip about stuff. They all had matching red streaks in their hair like they did at officer camp. I sure miss those girls.

Today is my 37 1/2 week check-up. I've been having contractions for the last few days but nothing regular. I'm eager to hear what my doctor has to say.

At work I cleaned off my desk, finished all the invoicing and even filled out half of a time sheet. I am trying to leave everything finished and in order when I leave each day, just in case. In cleaning out my desk I found a sweet card from Kerrie, who used to work here. It was a card she gave me after my grandma passed away last year.

I have spent an abnormal amount of time trying to figure out how Facebook determines what information I receive in my News Feed. Why does it show me the same people over and over? And people that I don't necessarily talk to or comment on their pages. My brother-in-law gave me a hard time about not responding to one of his comments but I never saw it. It's weird really.

Ethan had school pictures a few weeks ago. I can't decide which picture to order and in what size. Cheri took the pictures and she also did my maternity pictures. I think I want a big one of Ethan, a big one of me, Brian and Ethan and then one of Emma's newborn pictures (which Cheri will be taking). All black and white, in black frames and matted, to go in our hallway.

Mom and Dad (and Lacey) stained the concrete floor in one of the bedrooms at their house. I REALLY, REALLY want to do this in my living room and hall.

I love watching reruns of The Office on TBS. Last night was a great episode for Stanley. "Did I studder?" Oh, that man makes me laugh.

Great. So that's it's for today. And if you are still reading, go give yourself a cookie. And then pray I have this baby.


Mommy Pose said...

HAVE THAT BABY! :) What did Dr. say?

zum the mum said...

I sooooo thought she would have been here by now. Come on, Emma! We need to SEE you!

Hang in there, girl!

Sarah said...

So, where are these pictures?? Family & flooring??? Please share! :)