Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Mad Libs

Last night, Ethan wanted to tell stories. Made up stories are much better than the number of books we have...for him. For me they are much more difficult. If they weren't I'd be a millionaire selling all my great children's stories. Mine are generally pretty lame but he likes them.

My story was even more lame than usual so I decided I would try a fill-in the blanks style story and he could help. It went like this...

Once upon a time there was a little boy named ETHAN. He had a friend named MIA. Her hair was BLONDE and her eyes were BLUE. They had so much fun together. They liked to PLAY and they also liked to HUG. (He said with a smile) Ethan and Mia's favorite game was THE CHERRY GAME! (I am assuming he means Hi Ho Cherry-O!) At school they GO UPSTAIRS AND READ BOOKS. They also eat lunch together. Today for lunch Ethan had A HOTDOG! AND CAPRI SUN! Mia ate GRAPES!...AND CARROTS!
The End
Totally lame but I loved hearing his answers. He was so excited to give them. He was also very excited about his new friend, Mia.